SDA Housing in QLD, SA & WA

At Sana Living, we work closely with you to find a home that meets your unique set of requirements. We offer a range of SDA housing options across Brisbane and Gold Coast (QLD), Adelaide (SA), and Perth, WA.

Working together to find the right home for you.

Pursuing SDA accommodation is a timely and detailed process. Knowing where to start will help you to work out the ‘how to start.’ Where you can start is with Sana Living – a premium SDA provider.

We are not your average Specialist Disability Accommodation provider. We don’t just design the floor plan, have it built, and slot NDIS participants in wherever there’s a vacancy.

Our service in providing supported accommodation for people with disabilities begins long before the floor plans are drawn up. We help those who are found eligible to investigate their SDA property options. We work closely with you to determine whether any of the current Sana Living properties are suitable. If not, in some cases we can get to work on designing something that is.

We’re ready to help

Our service in providing supported accommodation for people with disabilities begins long before the floor plans are drawn up. We help those who are found eligible to investigate their SDA property options. We work closely with you to determine whether any of the current Sana Living properties are suitable. If not, in some cases we can get to work on designing something that is.

As SDA housing providers, we guide you through the process of your NDIS funding application, assist you with submitting an expression of interest, and are with you when you sign the property lease.

See your choice of specialist disability accommodation at various locations throughout Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane and Gold Coast.

Disability Housing WA
Disability Housing QLD
Disability Housing SA

SDA Tours

Experience our SDA Homes

Sana Living’s property listings will show you our SDA locations, dwelling types, and any vacancies available. The photos in our listings can tell a story, but not the whole story. We want you to see for yourself and understand the features that make our homes life changing. We want you to experience our homes, taking a look with more than your eyes.

SDA Tours

Disability Rental Housing

Frequently Asked Questions on SDA

We’ve answered some of the most frequently asked questions about SDA, funding, and a few others about moving in with Sana Living.

If you’ve got a question we haven’t answered, get in touch and we’ll help you with whatever info you’re after.

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is the home that a person lives in. It is the physical building, the ‘bricks and mortar’ that has been approved by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). It is not the other supports (i.e. daily living assistance and therapy) that are provided by people.

If you or your client are assessed as eligible for Specialist Disability Accommodation, you will need to apply for SDA funding which will then be included in your NDIS plan to cover any disability related housing costs.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme ‘NDIS’ provides SDA funding for people with extreme functional impairment or very high support needs that require specialised housing to meet these needs.

People who get SDA approved in their NDIS plan are those who, even with appropriate home modifications and/or assistance technologies, still need a high level of in-home support from a paid worker with daily activities (ie: getting in and out of bed, getting dressed, preparing meals, accessing the community).

Funding you receive for SDA is specifically to cover the cost of the housing – including the land it is on – as well as ongoing costs such as maintenance. It can’t be used by a NDIS participant for any other purpose.

The amount of SDA funding included in an NDIS participant’s Plan will vary. It will depend on a range of factors such as the building type, how many people you live with, location and any additional features.

Sana Living will claim the amount approved within your NDIS plan. We will draw down on this money directly from our MyPlace portal.

The properties, or rooms within the properties are leased directly to the Participant. Each person will have one or multiple service agreements with support providers.

In addition to the SDA payment, NDIS participants will be expected to make a reasonable rent contribution. This contribution is 25% of the Disability Support Pension, 25% of the Disability Supplement, plus any Commonwealth Rent Assistance. Payment can be arranged electronically.

Medium Term Accommodation (also known as MTA) refers to temporary or transitional accommodation for NDIS participants who are preparing and awaiting a move into a more permanent SDA home. The NDIS funds Medium Term Accommodation for eligible participants for up to 90 days.

Examples of where MTA might be used include accommodation for younger participants at risk of being admitted into aged care, participants waiting to leave hospital waiting for disability related modifications to be completed in their home, or participants who have been found eligible for SDA waiting for vacancies or home completions.

Supported Independent Living (SIL) is assistance paid to a person to provide help in a person’s home to allow that person to live as independently as possible. It includes physical support (i.e. having a shower, getting in and out of bed) and includes keeping people safe.

SIL funding does not depend on where you live. A person may be receive SIL funding but not SDA funding. The level of funding you receive is dependent on your level of needs, as well as the number of people living in the shared setting.

For each house, participants will vote on their preferred SIL provider. This will be required to be a SIL provider with extensive experience and a passion to assist people to live independently. The majority preferred provider will be appointed and have an initial 2-year contract. At the conclusion of the 2-year period all participants will have input as to the renewal of the SIL provider.

Pets will be considered in all of our properties, however it will depend on a couple of factors.

If you are sharing a home with other participants, all will need to agree on having the pet in the home.

If you are moving into an apartment there may be a Strata Title prohibiting pets, certain breeds or number of animals within the property.

As the landlord, Sana Living will also need to approve the pet in the home, and may have requirements for keeping pets on the property such as evidence of vaccinations, desexing etc. Details will be outlined in your Residential Tenancy Agreement, and depending on the State you’re in, a pet bond may be applied.

What is SDA?

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is the home that a person lives in.

It is the physical building, the ‘bricks and mortar’ that has been approved by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). It is not the other supports (i.e. daily living assistance and therapy) that are provided by people.

If you or your client are assessed as eligible for Specialist Disability Accommodation, you will need to apply for SDA funding which will then be included in your NDIS plan to cover any disability related housing costs. You may also be eligible for medium term accommodation (MTA) while your long term housing funding is being processed.

SDA Overview
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